Alyssa Brook is Finding a Work/Life Balance

Magazine Contributor
3 Min Read
Photo Credit: @coachgory

Alyssa Brook is best known for creating great content with movie reviews and red-carpet experiences. Born and raised in England she studied journalism before coming to the states and hitting her stride as an Influencer. Although she is constantly working, Alyssa found the time for a quick interview and her career so far and her goals for 2023.

What drew you into journalism?

Growing up I was always writing fiction stories and drawing, and when it came to picking a major to study at university you have to pick right before you apply and while performing and singing were a passion, journalism seemed the next best practical thing, and I always loved a good story.

What is your process for breaking down a story?

First facts have to be correct, and sources need to be trusted. If your story is not accurate you lose credibility and can be liable for disseminating harmful information. If you look at history many of the world’s conflicts have been exacerbated from harmful incorrect information.

What do you look for in a good story?

Public interest, something that will move an audience and stories that are getting ignored by the mainstream.

What is your advice for keeping a healthy work/life balance?

Working from home can often make you work more but being able to take those breaks in between to go walk or sit outside, workout make all the difference. Also learning to say no and take time off.

Photo Credit: @coachgory

Tell us something people would be surprised to learn about you.

I am a big geek I will sit and read or watch documentaries for hours and then start researching it.

What are your goals for 2023?

More revenue, more movies, really make time for my personal content and balance with work.

Any upcoming projects you can share?

Stay tuned, is all I can say!

Where can we follow you on social media?

TikTok @wholetalyssaout

YouTube @wholetusout

Instagram @alyssabrookhu

Photo Credit: @coachgory