Carlin struggles with seizures, reveals the couple, Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart’s

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Carlin Bates, star of the television series, was fighting off an unidentified illness while making a full recovery.

Carlin’s health was discussed in a video posted on her and her husband Evan Stewart’s YouTube account. A sweet appearance was also made by their daughter Layla Rae, who is around two years.

In her opening remarks, Carlin mentions that she has been sleeping more lately since this last incident that happened completely drained her alluding to the most recent time she passed out.

Giving some backstory, Carlin explains that she grappled with the health disorder in which started to faint during labour pain, for a baby who they welcomed in March; she explains further that this was a phenomenon she had never done before but which persisted even after her delivery.

She told what doctors told her about the changes she witnessed in her body, “Doctors told that these are some forms of seizure”.

“Symptoms were throbbing headaches, distorted vision and even started to lose consciousness”, she said.

Carlin claims that after testing and consulting with medical professionals, she discovered that her second pregnancy exacerbated a problem she had an underlying issue with ever since she was born. Carlin’s physicians, according to the couple, are still unsure of the exact cause of the problem.

They just posted a video of her falling out at a store. Carlin is shown in the video appearing to be motionless while lying upon her back with her eyes closed. She was then told by doctors to go back on the prescription, but after a week of taking it, she fainted once more.

According to her buddy, Carlin struggled to find the right things to say while she was speaking to other people at the time. Carlin was seen by her as she fell over her son’s car seat and struck her head on the pavement.

Evan goes on to assert that the woman’s physician has determined she has experienced a concussion.

He says that, “She had done many tests including the heart for which they are waiting for the results. Physicians are trying to determine the root cause of her seizures first before we reach to conclusion”.