Catching Up with Kristina Menissov

Diane W Kelly
4 Min Read
Photo Credit: Personal Collection

It’s been over a year since we caught up with Model and Recording Artist Kristina Menissov. Since giving up her crown as Ms. Universe World International, she has been focusing on her music and modeling career. She has released some new singles including the sexy track “Potion” which began streaming in May. I wanted to interview Kristina again to learn a little more about her career and when she is planning to release more music!

What drew you into the music industry?

I would say it was inevitable, my parents passed by a music school with me when I was 5 years old and that was the last day of accepting applications, so they applied, and I started learning to play piano. I finished middle school as a piano player and in high school I decided to change from piano to singing. While thinking I could do that on a whim without any preparation, since as an instrumentalist I thought it was easier to read just one line of music sheet so it would be an easy transition for me. That’s when my journey as a singer was predetermined. 

Where do you get the inspiration for your music?

Just learning about myself, about my feelings and learning to let me express myself and be free in my art. Also, from the world around me, my new song “Hands” was inspired by my big feelings for someone very important. It’s very sensual and way too hot, so get ready to add it to your love playlist. 

What do you love about modeling?

Modeling makes me feel validated every time I book a gig, and I love expressing myself on a runway and in front of the camera, especially when it’s editorial shoots where I feel the most freedom. 

What is your advice for keeping a healthy work/life balance?

Try scheduling everything in a calendar, even things that seem like they don’t need scheduling, like dedicating time to relationships, meeting someone new, or meeting your friends. Keep checking the calendar to see if the balance is there and that you accidentally didn’t overbook yourself with investment work, otherwise the burnout could be soon. 

Photo Credit: Personal Collection

Tell us something people would be surprised to learn about you.

My song was just picked as soundtrack for the movie “Dance Rivals” that is going to be released July 16th, 2024. I bet no one expected that! 

What are your goals for 2024?

Finish doing the shadow work which includes finishing the multiple courses that I am studying now on singing and American accent and start making bold moves, releasing songs and recording cover album as a Tribute to Sade. 

Any upcoming projects you can share?

Watch the Movie “Dance Rivals” and catch the soundtrack to it. I will be releasing “Hands” this summer. 

Where can we follow you on social media?





Photo Credit: Personal Collection
1 Comment
  • Hi- my name is Zina. I met Kristina through a friend.
    He told me who she was. I have been following her on social
    Media since then. Every day I look forward to checking her post. Her posts & stories on social media inspire me. Some of her posts are very heart-touching & I watch them over & over. I have been wanting to meet her in person.
    On November 2023 I launched an activewear line called Beyond Harmony. My dream is to photoshoot with her.
    But I knew it would be impossible because she is a supermodel & she would not consider shooting my little brand. I started to manifest shooting with her. I took a chance knowing that I could be turndown, but I still reached out to her. During that time she was performing at Coachella 2024 in CA. OMG, she responded to my message & let me know her availability. I was so excited! But here is what would be her compensation? She is a supermodel. Am I able to afford her? I was wrong!
    Finally, the day is here! I was going crazy because I didn’t know what kind of snacks to get for her, what brand of water she would drink, what brand of makeup she would like for us to use, on her, etc. But when she arrived & we met her she was the simplest supermodel I ever met. We photoshooted with her on April 28th, 2024. My dream came true!
    I love Kristina Menissov so much! She is kind, generous & humble human being ❤️

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