President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID- 19, the White House blazoned moment.

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President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID- 19, the White House blazoned moment.

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The news comes amid a surge of COVID- 19 infections sweeping the country, driven by the largely transmittable BA.5 variant. 

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Biden spent part of history traveling and gave a speech about the administration’s clean energy pretensions in Massachusetts.

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In the week before the positive test, NPR reports that the president had also “ dallied for extended exchanges, posed for filmland and gave ,hugss

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at the Congressional Picnic on the White House South Field. ” During a four- day trip to the Middle East,

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he shook hands with leaders in the region and attended meetings and other events without wearing a mask, NPR said. 

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A letter from Biden’s doctor indicates that his symptoms are fairly mild and correspond of fatigue, a watery nose, and a dry cough, which started on Wednesday evening.