Diane W Kelly
3 Min Read
Photo Credit: Michael Roud

Jordan Nichole Wall is a Down syndrome actress, a Global Messenger for the Special Olympics, and lends her voice to bring awareness to Down syndrome. When not working, Jordan enjoys competing in sports and dreams of competing in American Ninja Warrior. I recently interviewed Jordan about her career so far and her upcoming projects.  

How did you get started in the industry?

My mom signed me up for acting classes when I was 11 years old. That’s where I met my talent agent.

What do you love about acting?

I like to be the center of attention, and I like compliments. It’s fun.

Tell us about the Smile Squad.

It is called “What It’s Like to Have Down Syndrome”. I made the video with Sam and his girlfriend Tiffany. It’s funny. It has 31 million views.

Tell us about your role on Dhar Mann that had 17 million views!

I was in three Dhar Mann videos. One of them was “Girl Shamed for Liking Princesses”. I played Daisy, and I cried in the video. I was Hope in “YouTubers Use Kid with Down Syndrome for Views”. I got to be angry in that one. I had a small part in my first one. I don’t remember what it was called.

Photo Credit: Rodnae Productions

You are a Global Messenger for the Special Olympics. What does that entail?

I do speeches in front of people and tell them about myself. I help Special Olympics get donations, so they have money for the athletes.

Are there any upcoming projects that you can tell us about?

I was in “Super Powers”, and my character name was Kate. It is a short film. It’s about my character, my sister, and a teddy bear. It’s coming out soon, and it will be in festivals. I am going to go to some of the festivals. I can’t wait!

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?

I can do the splits, cross my eyes, and I can touch my nose with my tongue. I had open-heart surgery, chemotherapy for leukemia, spinal fusion surgery, and I was in a car accident that killed my grandparents and left me in a body cast.

Where can we follow you on social media?

@jordannicholewall for Instagram and TikTok. @jordannicholewall2 for Facebook.

Photo Credit: Marie LaFranque
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