Kickin’ It with Makenzie Lee-Foster

Magazine Contributor
4 Min Read
Photo Credit: Shakondi Lee

Makenzie Lee-Foster is an actress and writer of the “Kickin’ It with Kenzie” book series. The latest in the series, “Kickin’ it with Kenzie – Seeing Me is Believing in Me!” just hit the bookstands in October. While Makenzie may be young, she is wise beyond her years, writing books that both inspire kids and make them feel seen. Recently, I was able to interview this Mackenzie about her writing career.

What drew you into writing?

I remember looking at and eventually reading a lot of books when I was about 5 or 6 and thinking that it was weird that I didn’t see many characters that looked like me and dealing with regular kid things. So, I wanted to create my own book with a character that looked like me and inspired all kids to believe in themselves. 

Tell us about your new book.

My newest book is about how kids can feel like they aren’t really seen by adults, how they see themselves, and how us kids can help adults see us how we see ourselves inside. 

What is your process for writing a character?

I usually have moments that I will sit and talk through my feelings with my mom or realizations that I think about out of the blue. If I think another kid or kids might feel the same way, I write about it. If it can help another kid feel like they aren’t alone in their feelings, I like to write about it. 

What do you hope fans will take away after reading this book?

I hope that kids will feel inspired and seen after reading this book. I hope that they will know that they aren’t alone in their feelings and there are ways to help them feel seen by adults even if it doesn’t feel that way sometimes. 

Photo Credit: Shakondi Lee

How do you balance school, writing, and acting?

Hmmm…I think my balance with school and writing is really made easier because I am homeschooled so I can kind of make my own schedule in a way. I can use my book writing as an extracurricular activity and writing practice. I can also take mental breaks if I need to. Even though my workload is harder now that I’m in middle school, I can still alter my schedule to fit my own personal needs. 

Tell us something people would be surprised to learn about you.

I’m not really sure if they would be surprised but a fun fact is that I really like Anime and Pokémon! I also really like drawing and can spend HOURS working on improving my drawing skills.

What are your goals for 2023?

Well…I just want to be happy and do fun things with my friends and family. I also want to do more school visits and teach other kids how to make their own books at my book events. It would be cool to visit a few more states with my FREE book events too!

Any upcoming projects you can share?

I have no new project just yet but that can change tomorrow so stay tuned!

Where can we follow you on social media?

I am on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads as: Makenzie Lee-Foster

Photo Credit: Shakondi Lee

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